Frequently Asked Questions

As awareness of this project grows, an increasing number of conversations are happening regarding the topic of water for western South Dakota. Here are some of the most common questions.

Is the purpose of WDRWS to spur growth in western South Dakota?

No. The WDRWS was formed to address current needs due to water shortages during drought. As it sits today, if western South Dakota experiences a prolonged drought, the current population wouldn’t have enough water. Recent growth trends in western South Dakota have increased the overall water demand, further increasing the potential for a shortage under drought conditions. 

Will the water supply from WDRWS be utilized to support mining?

No. The WDRWS Articles of Incorporation specify that the non-profit corporate association is formed “…for the purpose of providing good quality drinking water and water for domestic use to their members.” As such, the stated purpose excludes the use of WDRWS water for mining. 

Why doesn’t western South Dakota implement more conservation measures instead of bringing more water to the region?

Unfortunately, conservation alone isn’t enough to ensure abundant and clean water for everyone in western South Dakota. When we couple conservation efforts with supplementing our current limited water supplies, we can ensure a sustainable future of water for generations to come.

Is the State organizing the efforts of WDRWS?

No. Providers of water – large and small – share the urgency to have enough water for the citizens they serve. The WDRWS is a non-profit, formed by water systems to address this issue.  Its members recognize that no one entity can address this problem alone – working together is the only way to solve the problem. The WDRWS seeks funding from the Federal, State, and local sources to complete a study on the feasibility of the project.  

We hope this FAQ can also serve as an invitation to more discussions. We’re excited that more people are joining this conversation. Working to ensure the security of high-quality water for western South Dakota is something that unites us as residents of this great place. If you wish to reach out with a question or concern, visit Another way to join the conversation is to become a member of wdrws. Simply mail the ticket below or visit

Western Dakota Regional Water System

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